Escaping the Matrix: How “The Four Agreements” Can Hack Your Reality

Escape Limiting Beliefs and Unlock Your Potential with The Four Agreements

7 min readSep 17, 2023
The four agreements by don miguel ruiz

What if everything you thought you knew about life and success was completely backward?

That’s the mind-bending premise behind Don Miguel Ruiz’s cult classic, “The Four Agreements”. It challenges engrained beliefs and provides the source code to rewrite your own reality.

This hip shaman drops epic wisdom like Morpheus dishing out truth pills to Neo in The Matrix. Once you “wake up”, nothing looks the same again.

Intrigued yet? Strap in and let’s unlock the four principles to escape limitations and start flipping the script.

Meet Don Miguel Ruiz: The Trendiest Spiritual OG Around

Don Miguel Ruiz is like the hippest monk ever to emerge from centuries of mystical tradition.

Born into a family of healers in rural Mexico, he embraced his heritage as a shaman early on. After a near-fatal car crash, Ruiz had a powerful revelation that shaped his life’s work.

He began sharing Toltec wisdom — an ancient philosophy of freedom and happiness — for modern seekers. His books distill these teachings in a format totally relatable for today.

The Four Agreements sums up Toltec knowledge into four simple principles. Printed in 1997, it became a New York Times bestseller for a decade straight.

That’s seriously impressive for what’s essentially a self-help textbook! But it resonates because the principles are timeless and transformative.

The agreements provide a behavioral blueprint to escape limitation and fear. They give you back control in a world gone mad.

Let’s examine each one and how to start applying them IRL ASAP:

Agreement #1: Be Impeccable With Your Word

Our word is powerful, magical even. How we speak creates our reality.

Most people blah blah blah incessantly without contemplating their words. This agreement calls us to speak thoughtfully and with integrity.

Your reputation is defined by the value of your speech. Saying whatever carelessly ultimately cheapens your influence.

People zone out excessive noise. But a few choice words from the right person command attention and respect.

Zip It or Zap It

Speak with purpose or zip it. Words can uplift or destroy. Don’t zap people with thoughtless remarks.

If you want true friends, be impeccable expressing yourself authentically. Trade toxic gossip for empowering conversations.

And cut the meaningless self-talk undermining your confidence. You manifest what you repeatedly say about yourself.

Time to rewrite that story and verbalize your dreams into being. Your word shapes your world.

In short, Practice active listening without interruption — paraphrase what the person said, ask clarifying questions, avoid planning your response while they are speaking.

Specific Strategy with tools:

  • Set a positive intention for your conversations and communications each day.
  • Practice active listening without interruption and reflect back what you hear.
  • Pause before responding to emotionally charged situations. Breathe and consider your words.
  • Avoid sarcasm, gossip, judgmental language. Stick to goodwill and basic truth.
  • Tools: Active listening techniques, nonviolent communication training, meditation
  • Resources: Books like “Nonviolent Communication” by Marshall Rosenberg
  • Templates: Sample scripts for compassionate, thoughtful responses

Example compassionate response template:

“I appreciate you sharing this with me. I want to fully understand your perspective. What I heard you say is ___. Is that correct? How can I best support you?”

Agreement #2: Don’t Take Anything Personally

Ruiz drops the wisdom bomb — nothing others do is because of you. What!?

People’s behavior stems from their own reality, conditioning, and beliefs about themselves.

If someone disrespects or lashes out at you, it’s a projection of their inner state. Don’t take the bait.

You Do You

When you personalize others’ actions, you give away power. You let them dictate how you feel and react.

Seeing their limitations clearly lets you respond calmly without offense. You can act with compassion while firmly upholding your boundaries.

Most conflicts arise when we assign meaning to innocuous events. We get triggered out of assumption, not truth. Don’t inflate situations with imagined intent.

You can’t control others, but you have full authority over how their actions affect you. Keep that control by not taking anything personally.

In short, Set clear boundaries around what types of behavior you accept while being compassionate. You can uphold your boundaries while understanding others’ behavior is about their inner state.

Specific Strategy with tools:

  • When feeling offended, ask yourself “What is this really about?” to uncover root motives.
  • Express your feelings calmly using “I” statements rather than blaming others.
  • Focus on what you can control — your responses and boundaries. Let go of controlling others.
  • Forgive others and yourself. Accept that we all have occasional outbursts.
  • Tools: Journaling, affirmations, reframing exercises
  • Resources: Eckhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now”
  • Templates: Affirmation statement examples

Example affirmation template:

“I accept myself fully. My worth does not depend on others’ actions. I release any resentment and remain compassionate.”

Agreement #3: Don’t Make Assumptions

Assumptions cause needless misery all around. We speculate about others’ motives and make dubious meaning out of ambiguous information.

Then we convince ourselves our stories represent reality and act accordingly. Talk about self-induced mental suffering!

Assumptions feed the human ego’s tendency to make everything about ME. If someone doesn’t return my call, they must not value our friendship. Um, or they just got busy?

Break Bad Mind Reading Habits

The truth is we have no clue what’s going on for people unless they tell us. Making up reasons via assumptions breeds insecurity and mistrust.

Next time you feel slighted, pause before reacting. Question the narrative your mind created. Ask for clarification before hopping to conclusions.

Withholding assumptions creates space for others to honestly share what’s real for them. You understand each other and build trust. No more reading minds or butting heads.

in short, State assumptions openly but gently, e.g. “I want to check my assumption — it seems like you feel [X]. Is that correct?” This allows correction without accusation.

Specific Strategy with tools:

  • Clarify ambiguous information by asking questions rather than guessing motives.
  • Be open and honest in sharing your point of view to invite reciprocation.
  • Notice when your mind jumps to conclusions based on limited data. Then reset.
  • State assumptions directly to allow corrections, e.g. “I’m assuming you think X, is that right?”
  • Tools: Active listening, nonviolent communication
  • Resources: Harvard’s Project Implicit bias tests
  • Templates: Verbal clarification questions

Example clarifying question template:

“I want to make sure I understand fully. When you said ___, did you mean ___? I’m asking to clarify, not make assumptions.”

Agreement #4: Always Do Your Best

This final agreement synthesizes the first three into daily action. Ruiz is not preaching perfectionism — it kills creativity and causes burnout.

He’s urging you to pour full passion into whatever endeavor is before you, no matter how humble. Keep reaching higher while staying grateful for where you are.

Your best won’t be the same everyday. Some days just getting out of bed and brushing your teeth is sufficient. Honor your energy and capacity.

Just Show Up With Gusto

Success comes by consistently showing up and trying your hardest. Incremental progress compounds into massive change over time.

Mediocrity stems from holding back out of fear or apathy. Doing your best requires commitment and courage to engage fully.

Bringing your gifts and skills to bear unleashes meaning and fulfillment. You inspire others by modeling engaged living.

When you operate at your highest level, you transform yourself and the world simultaneously. Everyone wins.

In short, Focus on consistent progress rather than perfection. Track small wins and milestones. Any step forward builds momentum to do your best.

Specific Strategy with tools:

  • Set realistic goals that stretch your abilities while respecting your circumstances.
  • Focus on progress rather than perfection. Small steps add up.
  • Ask for support when you need it. Doing your best doesn’t mean doing everything solo.
  • Remember that rest and self-care allow you to recharge and be your best. Don’t burn out.
  • Tools: To-do list apps, schedule blocking, productivity methods like Pomodoro
  • Resources: Podcasts like The Productivity Show
  • Templates: Daily goal setting template

Example daily goal template:


  1. tasks aligned with top priority
  2. important tasks
  3. additional tasks if energy allows

Installing The Four Agreements App IRL

Implementing these principles takes dedicated practice. You’re undoing years of social conditioning after all!

Begin by contemplating each agreement and how you can honor it in your daily life. Identify situations that trigger you breaking them.

When you catch yourself slipping, gently reset. Old habits gradually fade away through peaceful persistence.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • When personalizing others’ behavior persists, remind yourself “their actions are about them, not me”.
  • If you gossip or exaggerate, pause and consider if your words are uplifting or demeaning. Edit your speech mindfully.
  • On low days when tasks seem burdensome, be self-compassionate rather than self-critical. Recharge and recalibrate.

Leveling Up Your Life

As practicing the four agreements becomes more natural, you’ll notice profound personal shifts emerge:

  • Greater self-confidence and emotional resilience
  • Deeper connections and understanding of others
  • Increased creativity as fears fade
  • Displaced ego and rediscovered inner wisdom
  • Modeling integrity and truth inspires collective change

The agreements provide guide rails to actualize your highest potential. The principles seem simple but therein lies their power.

Welcome to the Real World: Time to Break Free

We’ve covered a lot of ground to upgrade how you operate in the world using Toltec wisdom. Let’s quickly recap the key insights:

Speak carefully and thoughtfully. Choose words that uplift and avoid idle chatter. Manifest what you desire through the power of your word.

Don’t make others’ behavior about you. Their actions come from their inner state, not you. Retain your power by not taking things personally.

Check assumptions and communicate. Don’t jump to conclusions. Seek clarification and be honest about your point of view.

Do your best. Stay committed to excellence while accepting your limits each day. Your unique gifts move the world forward.

Taken together, these agreements provide a roadmap to shed limiting beliefs and unlock your limitless potential. But you must take the first step and then stay on the path.

As you walk further in this direction, you’ll experience more truth, freedom, and abundance. Your light will inspire others to also break free.

Collectively, we can shift the very fabric of reality on this planet. The Four Agreements give us tools to consciously evolve, both individually and societally.

We need more people living these principles. Make the agreements your personal source code. Join the quest and let’s transform this world!



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